
He’s an absolute joy! I can’t thank you enough. We put them to bed in their separate cartes next to each other at 10pm and didn’t hear from either one of them until 6am. He peed as soon as he woke up. He is even sweeter than I imagine.

Samantha S.

Maggie is wonderful! We love her so much. She’s eating well, sleeping and playing well.  She loves the superfood seasonal duck medley and the liver treats! She is a doll baby! She goes everywhere with us. She jumps in the travel bag ready to go! She is blossoming into a lovely girl. She is a precious puppy and we adore her! Thank you!

Katherine W,

The girls crawled into the same kennel, then fell asleep on their first night with us. The both came alive before we went to bed – they wanted to play. Came out this morning, and Sherry had them on the sofa, they are so sweet. It blows us away that they use the turf!

Tom and Sherry H.

He’s very chill. Yet very playful when awake. He jhas already used the bathroom twice on the turf and our family adores him! He wags his tail at us all and licks us. Very sweet and loving.. He’s eating well, going to the bathroom perfectly and meshing well with the family. When the vet took his vitals they were shocked at how chill he was. 
He’s done really well with potty training. He goes outside and stands at the door to tell us. He’s loving the outdoors right now and our grass to run around in. We also found he loves to play soccer lol. My son will kick the ball and he goes chasing it and running into it to score goals  
Update: His health check came back clean as can be!

​Melissa M. and family
​New Mexico

When I held the little leash/harness you gave us to look at it, she threaded her head into it! And today, I threw a soft fabric ball with a squeaker in it for her, said go ge tthe ball, and that little girl ran to it, scooped it up, bring it right back to my feet!! She is an absolute sponge with eyes! 

Carol and Del L. 

This pup sure shows good breeding, I think. She is easy going. Doesn’t react to many noises. Barked today and scared herself, it seemed. She amuses us so, these bursts of energy and playufulness. Our house is delightfully messy again!

​Monica and Mel O.
​New Mexico

Our little guy seems happy with his new home. We are so pleased with your good care of him during his formative puppy days. He is adjusting well, he has learned his name and I groom him daily. He slept in my lap last night.

​David and Adriel L.

Tiny Valentina is doing so GREAT! I have never seen such a secure little pup! She loves her little nursery and she is very interactive with all her toys and their tags (lol). We are having so much fun! She could not be cuter! The first 2 nights she barked a little in the mornings but we haven’t heard her at night or early morning since. She has a little less than 1/4 c of goats milk a day and is eating a good amount of her kibble throughout the day. She has chewed 2 baby carrots!

Margaret and Mary C.
​New Mexico

My Olof did so well! He slept all night. Ate his food. used grass pads! he’s a dream!!

Velora L.
​New Mexico

Baily Boy is doing great! He woke me up twice to pee and poo. So far he has used his turf every snuggle time. We get very excited and give him a treat. It is working. He seems very happy. He is eating well and follows us everywhere. He seems to love all his toys and loves playing fetch. He knows exactly what to do!

D & J Webster

My little Trixie is going outside at least 85% of the time. We have an occasional accident in the house, but she usually goes to the door to tell me she has to go. My vet was impressed with your paperwork. (Marilyn bought a 2nd puppy from me about a year after getting her first.)

Marilyn E.

Potty pad is going great! She takes herself to the pad whenever she needs to and only misses the pad maybe 10-15% of the time! We love her so much! She loves everyone who comes to visit and will climb into their lap immediately. 
May H.

Just had her 16 week vet check for vaccines. She is up to a whopping 2.86 pounds. We thought we would carry her on the hikes and she insisted on climbing and running. She is full of spunk and energy. She brings so much joy to our family. 
Melissa S.

The pups let us know when they have to go outside. The only accidents we have are when we are not listening to them. We love them so much!  
Doreen and Mike D.
New Mexico