Sugar Daddy / Mamas

Sugar Daddy Oliver

Mr. Oliver (Ollie) is a tiny framed 5lb boy that loves attention, he pounces each time I come into a room. He loves to tag the girls then run away hoping they will chase him! When it’s time to relax he will climb the sofa and plop himself on me and fall asleep. He is a true cuddle boy that’s full of kisses! 

Click here to view Oliver’s health test results.

Sugar Mama Lilly

Lily is a sweet girl that’s a little bit shy. She comes to me to be loved on for as long as she likes then she’s off to boss the other dogs around. She is a very attentive mama dog. She keeps her babies spotless even though she loves to get dirty. 

Sugar Mama Daisy

My sugar mama Daisy is pure white, with long silky straight hair. Moving so delicately, and silently. She is friendly and likes to play hide and seek. She runs away and then looks back to see if you are following her. If you don’t, she barks at you. She loves to play and be loved.. Daisy has passed her OFA exams as well as being tested for 240 genetic issues!
​Click here to view Daisy health test results